Joel Morrow Discusses a 2021 Volvo Specs

Joel Morrow, has become the king of fuel efficiency in recent years. He has gained world wide fame in his pursuit of getting the best fuel mileage in over the road commercial vehicles. Appearing several times on Sirius XM’s Road Dog channel with the likes of Dave Nemo, and Kevin Rutherford, Joel has tested and experimented with thousands of products to save fleets and owner/operators thousands of dollars in fuel.

Joel is an OTR driver at Ploger with over 3.5 million miles under his belt. He also works very closely with the folks at Volvo and has played a very important role in the specs of our trucks that come from the Volvo factory. In this video, Joel explains extra steps that are taken for trucks ordered by Ploger. Everything from the Dana rear end to driver comfort inside the cab.


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