Coffee with Chris- We are talking with Safety Director Bob Ware

There has been aot of discussion lately about fleets installing cameras in trucks. Today we are talking with Bob Ware about Ploger’s CSA score and also the Netradyne cameras that are being installed.

There has been an enormous amount of concern with drivers accross the country concerning the installation of cameras. Most fleets are installing cameras that are forward facing, and inward facing. Drivers feel this is a complete invasion of privacy. We agree!

Our cameras are outward facing only, meaning over the hood, right, and left. Implementing the Netradyne camera has the potential to exonerate a driver in an accident. Without cameras, an incident with a CMV becomes a “he said, she said” senario, and 9 times out of ten it doesn’t end well in the drivers favor, even when he did everything right and has had years of safe driving with no incidents! The Netradyne cameras protect you and your reputation.


2022 MATS in Louisville KY with The Lead Pedal Podcast